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Talking about bad habits

Writer's picture: laiapararedaosalaiapararedaosa

Drinking alcohol, smoking, eating unhealthy food much often or do less or too much sport are the most controversial topics related to health.


In Catalonia, 30% of young people from 14 to 18 years old got drunk during last month and 15% of them drink alcohol every week, this are alarming data because drinking at this age means that they can have a 46% chance of having alcohol-related diseases, on the other hand, if you start later, the percentages are much lower.


Now, 1 in 4 young people smokes in our country, it’s a big decreasing keeping in mind the data recorded approximately 5 years ago, this is because of most restrictive legislations, the increase in the price of tobacco, the restriction of advertising and the increase in prevention programs.

Unhealthy food:

Eating unhealthy food much often is a big problem now, fast cooking has always existed as dishes prepared to be immediately eaten, but the biggest problem with fast food is that destroys the regular timetables of children and young people.

This, in a long term, might trigger in diseases such as obesity or other vascular conditions so it’s very important to control our meals in a responsible way.


It is known that sports are really important for our lives, especially when we are children or teenagers, but now, people is asking if young people are abusing of sports, doing many hours of it and losing time to do other things.


We did some surveys with Google documents to analyze what teenagers think about these topics and which of these things, they use to do more.

We asked a lot of teenagers like our friends, students from our schools, and some people around us.

We received about 50 responses related to drinking alcohol, 57 related to eating habits, 31 related to smoking and 40 related to sports.


This is the percentage of young people and adults who has answered these questions.

Here it’s easy to see that what prevails is the 52% of people who don’t drink alcohol, after that, we can see that young people prefers to drink vodka before beer.

There’s only a small percentage that prefers wine and geneva and the other 10% likes more other alcoholic beverages.

Here, the 48% of the people who answered this question, said that they don’t drink alcohol, the 32% said that they drink alcohol but they use to do it only at parties, the 10% said that they drink alcoholic beverage when they hang out with friends and then, there’s some people who drink when is thirsty, sometimes at lunch and in other chances.

In this question, the 46% of the people who answered, said that they never drink alcohol, most of the young people who drink alcohol use to do it sometimes, occasionally, another 36% drinks sometimes, and the 12%, drinks often.

Just a little percentage of adults and teenagers drink always or usually, that is to say, regularly.

This question had 50 responses, the 52% of them said that they don’t drink, another 34% said that they drink a few, a 10% use to drink much and just some people, said that they drink a lot.

In this question we asked people if they know diseases related to alcohol, the 76% of the individuals said yes, the 24%, said no.

Here we can see at what age did people start to drink, most of them said that they haven’t started, so, it mean that they don’t drink alcohol, the 34% of them said that they started at the age from 12-15, the 16% of them said that they started from 15-19 and the smallest percentage is the people who started from 19 to 25 years.

Here it’s possible to see that there are a lot of different responses from the people who answered this question.

Again, the 51% of them said that they haven’t started drinking, the 30%, said that it was because of a social reason, another big percentage said that it was for personal reasons and then, there are four little percentages that said that some of them started drinking in a party, others for funny, others because of curiosity and finally some people for different reasons.

Eating habits:

Here we can see what type of people answered these questions, the 96,5% of them were teenagers and the others, adults.

Here, there are a lot of responses, but we can see that the most preferred food for teens is pasta, followed by meat, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, eggs, tomato, lettuce, fish and sausages and pastry, the food less voted.

Most of the people who answered, think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, the 42% of the others think that is lunch and a little percentage think that is the dinner.

The 94,7% of the people, prepare they meal at home, just a little percentage prepare it at school and at work, and no one, do it at a restaurant, so most of them, eat at home.

As we have verified it in the previous question, people usually prepare their main meal at home so it’s easy to understand that most of the people (60,7 % of the teenagers who have answered the question) use to eat at home more than once a week.

There’s a 14,3% of teenagers who eat at home only once a week, an 8,9% who do it once a month and never and finally, a little percentage of other students who eat at their houses more than once a month.

As we can see in the picture, most of the people who answered the question eats junk food, minus a 12,3% who said that they never eat this type of food.

The other percentages are really close ones to the others, a 10,5% eats junk food once a day, a 21,1% eats this food once a week, a 19,3% do it more than once a week, a 22,8% once a month and finally a 14% of the students do it more than once a month.

The percentage that prevails (28,1%) is the one that says that the people who answered the question never eats pre-cooked food.

The one which goes after this is the 22,8% of the students who eat this type of food once a week, then, a 17,5% that eats this once a month, a 12,35% that do it more than once a month and two little percentages that say that there’s some people who eat pre-cooked food more than once a week and once a day.

Here, the percentage that prevails is the one that says that there’s a 29,8% of people that never drink soft drinks.

Then, there’s a 28,1% that do it once a week, a 21,1% that drinks once a month, 17,5% that use to drink soft drinks once a day and just a little percentage that drinks more than once a day.

Thanks by the picture It’s easy to see that most of the people normally eat at restaurants once a month, then, there’s a 19,3% who eat there once a week, a 12,3% who do it once a year and only a 7% of the students and teenagers who answered the question eat at restaurants once a day.

For this question there were 57 responses, the 77,2% of the people who answered said that their eating habits are healthy and balanced and the other 22,8% remaining said that they aren’t.


For this question we had 31 responses, the 80,6% of the teenagers and young people who answered, said that they don’t smoke.

The other 19,4% of the votes reveals that this percentage of people doesn’t smoke.

The 42,9% of the people who has answered says that they don’t smoke and another 33,3% says that never smokes.

Then, the percentage that prevails is the one that says that there’s a 19% of people who smoke at home and another 14,3% that do it at public buildings.

After that, two people said that they smoke at work or at school and two more people said that they usually smoke at bars.

Finally, one person said that he or she normally smoke at restaurants.

For this question we had 21 responses, again, most people have answered that they never smoke.

After this information, we have that the 23,8% of the people said that they normally smoke in their free time, another 9,5% said that they usually smoke whenever and finally, there’s a 4,8% of people who answered that they smoke at work time, another one at break time, another one at dinner and another 4,8% at lunch time.

In this question, again, most of the people, specifically a 76,7%,answered that they don’t smoke.

A 13,3% smokes one cigarette a day, another little percentage smokes two cigarettes a day and the last percentage says that some people smoke more than six cigarettes a day.

Here we can see that most of the people don’t smoke.

This Google form was addressed to teenagers and young people, so there’s only a 23,8% of people who started drinking from 10 to 15 years old and another little percentage that started from 5 to 10 years old.

In this question most of the people (74,2%) answered that they think that men smoke the same as women, another 19,4% said that men don’t smoke more than women and just a little percentage thinks that men smoke more than women.

The 71% of the people who answered, said that they know that there are some diseases related to smoking, another 19,4% said that they don’t know diseases related to smoking and the 9,7% said that there aren’t diseases related to this.


A 97,5% of the people who answered this questions were teenagers and just a little percentage were adults.

For this questions we had 39 responses, the percentage predominantly is the one that says that most of the people practice another sport that there isn’t written on the picture.

A 15,4% play football, a 10,3% do athletics, a 7,7% play basketball and three other percentages, that are exactly, are from people that play volleyball, that practice dancing or from people that don’t play any sport.

For this question we had 40 responses.

Most of the people (65%), answered that they practice sport approximately from 3 to 4 times a week, another 17,5% said that they practice sport 5 or more times a week, another 12,5% said that they practice sport from 1 to 2 times a week and a little percentage said that they never practice sport.

So, we can see that most of the people who answered these questions, practice sport regularly.

In this question, the percentage that predominates is the 47,7% that says that most of the people who answered the questionnaire practice sport from 5 to 6 hours a week.

After this one, we can see that the 22%, practice sports more than seven hours a week, and it’s easy to see that there’s a 12,5% of people who don’t practice sport, an 15% of people that practice it from 3 to 4 hours a week and finally there’s some people that practice sport more than one hour a day.

The most played sport by teenagers is football, done by the 92,3% of the people who answered this question.

There are two little percentages, one is from people that play basketball and the other one is from people that do athletics/running.

In this question, most of the people (87,5%) answered that they think that men practice sport with the same frequency as women.

Only a 12,5% of the people said that men practice more sport than women.

Almost all the people who have responded this question agree that in most towns and cities there are sports centers.

A 20%, said that in their village or city there are sports fields, another little percentage says that there are sports halls in some places and finally some people said that there aren’t facilities to do sport where they live and there’s some people that said that in their villages/cities, there are all the facilities mentioned previously.

Most of the people (42,5%), practice sports as a hobby, the 25% do it to be health, another 22,5% of the people who answered the question do it to be fit, and finally, there are two percentages that play or do sports to be busy in their spare time or for another reasons.

The 70% of the people know that there are a lot of diseases related to sports, some people (22,5%) said that they don’t know diseases related to this subject and a little percentage said that there aren’t diseases related to sport.


As we have seen, most of the people that answered these questions lead a healthy life, they usually don’t drink alcohol, they have a fairly balanced diet, they normally don’t smoke and most of them practice sports.

We have also been able to see that in all of the questions that it was possible to say no, most of the people answered that they don’t smoke or drink alcohol.

On the other hand, we have seen that a lot of people prepare and eat their meals at home, better option than eating out in restaurants too many times a week or regularly.

Finally, there’s only a little percentage of people who said that they don’t practice sport, so we can understand that there’s more people who practice sport than not, that’s really good, this means that young people like sports and understand that it’s important to live a healthy life.

Bad habits are not good for anyone, we can eat or do whatever we want, but it’s important to know that abusive excess, sometimes could harm us more than help.


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